Know Before You Go Camping or Hiking

Know Before You Go Camping or Hiking

Outdoor awareness

  • Ensure your fires are always attended. Be sure you have an area for a campfire that cannot spread laterally or vertically - a grill or stone surface is ideal. When putting the fire out, drown it with water. Make sure all embers, coals and sticks are wet. Embers buried deep within the pile have a tendency to reignite later.
  • Use caution with propane stoves, grills. Read the instructions that come with the stove and propane cylinder. Use the stove as a cooking appliance only - never leave it unattended while it's burning.
  • Watch out for bugs. Hornets, bees, wasps, and yellow jackets are a problem at many campsites. Avoid attracting stinging insects by wearing light-colored clothing and avoiding perfumes or colognes. Should such an insect approach, do not wave wildly and swat blindly - instead use a gentle pushing or brushing motion to deter them.
  • Dispose of trash properly. Remember to recycle - use the proper recycling bins if available.
  • Beware when encountering wildlife. To ward off bears, keep your campsite clean, and do not leave food, garbage, coolers, cooking equipment or utensils out in the open. Remember that bears can be dangerous and unpredictable - never feed or approach a bear. Use a flashlight at night - many animals feed at night and the use of a flashlight may warn them that you are approaching.
  • Know which plants are poisonous. Familiarize yourself with any dangerous plants that are common to the area. If you come into contact with a poisonous plant, immediately rinse the affected area with water and apply a soothing lotion such as calamine to the affected area.
  • Keep it clean. Wash your hands, particularly after using the toilet and before handling food to prevent the spread of germs and disease. Use biodegradable soap. Keep your campsite clean, too. And don't forget to remove all trash.


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