Big or small, basic or customized, every boat needs to be maintained. Fortunately, routine maintenance and small repairs aren't that tough. In the long run, a little elbow grease will definitely pay off. Protect your investment, but washing and caring for your boat.
Fiberglass and gelcoat, which needs to be regularly cleaned, waxed, and polished for both protective and cosmetic purposes. Not only will keeping your gel coat shiny make your boat look good, it will also prevent oxidation, which makes fiberglass dull and chalky. We have found the easiest solution in Maxiglide Boat Guard.
The boat detailer's dream come true! A true one-step coating for a fiberglass and kevlar boat hulls.
Use right out of the bottle with a clean rag, rub it into the clean hull and step back and admire your work, because your are done. Seals surface, prevents further oxidation, and restores luster and shine. No drying time and no buffing! Can be used on any hull composite material. The best part is there is no risk in using this product, it is satisfaction guaranteed. Money back if this is not the best product you have ever used on your boat. Hard to pass up that deal.
Keep you boat looking like a gem on the water. Protect it and enjoy it!